BAKED in Science


Time to get BAKED in Science! Setting up shop where baking and science meet, this podcast is focused on all the technical aspects of the commercial baking industry. It covers everything from food safety, ingredient and equipment solutions and innovation. With guests from all corners of the industry, talking on some of the hottest topics and trends, BAKED in Science is right in the midst of the mix!

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BAKED in Science
BAKED in Science

Artificial intelligence is getting a lot of attention these days, and many are wondering how it can be harnessed to help today’s bakers. While it’s too soon to understand the full extent of AI’s capabilities, this technology is already being used to reduce product loss, boost quality assurance, and much more in bakery plants. Read More

Professional guidance and support for entrepreneurs in the food and beverage industry is invaluable, especially for those who may just be starting out. Whether that’s through mentorships or sharing knowledge,  initiatives and resources that uplift entrepreneurs can encourage their growth and boost their overall success in the food industry.  Read More

A bakery consultant is invaluable, serving as a trusted partner to navigate challenges and open the gateway to success. In this episode of BAKED in Science, host Mark Floerke is joined by Garteth Armanius, Technical Director, and Victoria Yeung, Senior Project Manager, at PreScouter. Read More

Vision inspection is an alternative that has been on the market for decades. In this episode of BAKED in Science, host Mark Floerke is joined by Yuegang Zhao, Chief Commercial Officer at KPM Analytics to discuss vision inspection, artificial intelligence, and how they can be used to improve quality control in bakeries. Read More

Seasonal baking opens up exciting possibilities for commercial bakers to captivate customers, drive sales, and maintain a competitive edge. In this episode of BAKED in Science, host Mark Floerke is joined by three other baking industry professionals to discuss a baker to baker approach to seasonal baking. Read More

Shortening is a commonly used ingredient in commercial baking, which helps produce moist and soft baked goods. However, this ingredient can come coupled with challenges such as off-flavors, rising costs, and not appealing to health-conscious consumers. Read More

Quality control for ingredients and raw materials is an important part of the production process for bakeries of all sizes. In this episode of BAKED in Science, host Mark Floerke is joined by Arnaud Dubat, Director of Business Development at CHOPIN Technologies, a KPM Analytics brand. Read More

More and more companies are working to mitigate food waste and reimagining ways to put food scraps to good use. In this episode of BAKED in Science, Mark Floerke is joined by David Wishnick of Nutraberry to discuss how they are addressing the issue. Read More

Bakery Showcase is one of the most important events in the Canadian baking industry, and the perfect place to catch up the latest trends and innovations. In this episode of BAKED in Science, host Mark Floerke is joined by Colleen Cross of Annex Business Media, which helped organize the show this year. Read More

In the baking industry, plant based baked goods continue to be in high demand, with many citing reasons such as dietary restrictions, allergens, sustainability, and cost reduction. Read More

The better-for-you bakery trend has grown immensely in the last few years, as consumers demand more nutritious baked goods with plenty of functional ingredients.The high protein bread trend has shown plenty of staying power. Read More

iba is the world’s leading trade fair for bakery, confectionery, and snacks. Mark Floerke visited the trade show to learn about the biggest bakery trends, as well as equipment and ingredient solution innovations on behalf of BAKERpedia. Read More

From regulation compliance to pushing for sustainability, today’s bakers have a lot on their plates outside of producing their delicious baked goods. Founded in 1932, the Baking Association of Canada (BAC) is a Canadian national baking industry association governed by the members. Read More

While commercial baking relies on skills, productivity, and innovation, networking is also an important part of this industry. That’s why attending industry events, like the American Society of Baking’s BakingTECH, are important for professional bakers. Read More

BAKERpedia was on the show floor at iba 2023! Host Mark Floerke is joined by three baking industry professionals to explore equipment, ingredient, and ventilation solutions at the show. Read More

BAKERpedia attended iba 2023 in Munich, Germany. BAKER Influencer, Mark Floerke was there to report on bakery trends, equipment, ingredient solutions, and much more directly from the show floor. Read More

Shelf life extension is a significant concern for bakers, and with the rise of the clean label bakery trend, many are searching for more natural methods. Introducing UV santizing, which can be used to kill bacteria, molds, yeasts, and viruses on bakery products and is as natural as sunlight. Read More

There’s nothing more frustrating than baked goods getting stuck in their pans, which is why release agents are so valuable for commercial bakers. In the baking industry, release agents are used to help remove baked goods from baking pans, molds, tins, trays, conveyor belts, or packaging. Read More

Shelf life extension is a complex issue that doesn’t have a simple solution, however, enzymes can be a useful tool on the journey towards keeping baked goods fresher longer. Enzymes can be utilized as dough conditioners, fermentation enhancers, and anti-staling agents. Read More

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