Fava or faba beans can be used in gluten-free baking, and as a source of protein.
That’s right, now you can become an even better baker by taking classes online!

BAKERpedia has teamed up with AIB International to help commercial and retail bakers through online eLearning training. AIB International’s Baking Specialist Online Collection is now available through BAKERpedia’s Digital Academy.

The industry is in need of more skilled employees. It needs access to professional development opportunities so companies can promote operators to supervisors to avoid inconsistent quality, high waste, and down time in production during turnover.

Now, bakeries can quickly provide their bakery staff with the fundamentals of baking production to prepare them for new roles in an easy and convenient eLearning format.

What’s your area of interest?

Course packages include:

  • Hearth Breads & Variety Pan Breads
  • Hearth Breads & Hamburger Buns
  • Hearth Breads & Tortillas
  • Variety Pan Breads & Hamburger Buns
  • Pan Breads & Tortillas
  • Hamburger Buns & Tortillas

Core courses also include:

Baker’s Math and Science, Bread Quality, Bread Manufacturing Process, Bread Troubleshooting, and Function of Ingredients.

Find your classes today!

Special offer: Use AIB100 as a discount code to get $100 off. For the first 25 signups only! Group discounts of 10 or more people will also be offered. Please contact  Ana.rinck@bakerpedia.com for more information.

Not convinced you need these eLearning classes? Listen to this:

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