Ancient and heirloom grains are popping up everywhere. While there is plenty of variety and benefits, which ones are hot in the baking industry right now? And what can they offer to products and labels? On this episode I talk with two experts in the field of ancient grains to learn more about this trend.

Angela Ichwan is the tech lead at The Annex at Ardent Mills. The Annex is a speciality business unit that started almost 2 years ago to specialize in specialty grains. One grain growing in popularity is quinoa. Angela discusses the sustainable story, its nutrition, how it’s been finding a place in U.S. agriculture.

Baking with ancient grains

We also cover aspects such as:

  • Other ancient grains
  • Gluten-free grains
  • Products to try ancient grains in
  • IQF processing to improve functionality

I’m also joined by Troy DeSmet, CEO and Founder of Freekeh Foods. Troy shares how after decades in the agricultural industry, he got involved with the production of Freekeh. The timing for its best quality is critical, with a two day period to cut the grain when it’s at the right stage. But the end result is a grain high in protein, resistant starch, protein and fiber. We discuss the production of this grain, and how to bake with it.

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